Monday, May 12, 2008

Cloth Menstrual Pads

I used cloth diapers on my boys. A while back, I began thinking about the waste I accumulate during my menstrual cycle, and how uncomfortable plastic pads are.

So I began tinkering with some cloth and came up with this pattern.

I love the prints, the softness of the flannel, never having to worry about running to the store when I start early, and the benefits of not putting products on my body that are unsafe.

I could write an essay on the dangers of feminine products. Do a google search and think about what you have been told is unsanitary and unsafe your entire life. It is very sad when a woman's health is pushed aside for money, and even sadder when it eventually changes our thoughts on what is socially acceptable.


LiveandLearn said...

Hey, Crys!

I LOVE the pads, those are too cute. Are those owls on the right?!? You may convince me, after all. ;)

Crys said...

Little hoot owls!

You can also add a plastic liner but I like mine to breathe. The fleece backing protects against leaks. I change my pad fairly often plus I stay at home. If I worked, I might consider a plastic liner in a few.