Friday, December 7, 2007

Recycling My Closet

I was folding laundry, which all mothers know is a never-ending chore, and decided that the only way to cut down on the folding was to cut down on the clothes...literally.

I taught myself how to sew back in high school. Not too many shops carried ripped up fishnets and safety pinned shirts back in my day so my crowd became pros at pinning and duct taping tee shirts, jeans, stockings, even shoes. My mother purchased a little sewing machine for next to nothing at a fabric store when I was fourteen and so began my passion for the rhythmic bobbing of the needle.

Immediately after my revelation, my creativity kicked into high gear. I lugged hand-me-down sweaters, three sizes too big, and the sewing machine out of the closet, and went to work.

Two hours later, after several 'darn its' and 'oh craps', and with the cat tangled in a pile of unraveled yarn at my feet, my oldest son peeped in the kitchen door and asked if it was safe to come in.

Sweaters are very difficult to reconstruct so I passed on that idea. But, I am sticking to the 2008 challenge of wearing only recycled clothing and reconstructed garments.

Here I will post pics of my reconstructed garments as they come along.

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